The story is set on Midsummer’s Eve, when the mysterious military unit takes over a peaceful seaside town. All data networks are disrupted, and the region falls silent. The motives and the origin of the enemy remain shrouded in mystery, with the whole of Europe being taken by surprise and under shock. Local residents turn into hostages, including 21-year-old Annika Berg, who is doing her military service. In seconds, her military exercise turns into a real crisis, involving actual casualties. Is this an isolated incident, or the first step to push the world into a new global conflict?
- 8.0 珍饈記[電影解說]
- 5.0 重返行動[電影解說]
- 5.0 救命行動[電影解說]
- 9.0 一路順風2016[電影解說]
- 9.0 警報戰(zhàn)[電影解說]
1996 電影解說簡介: 故事發(fā)生在三十年代的上海,辛子安(施大生 飾)是一名年輕有為的建筑師,在行業(yè)內小有名氣。富豪沈效轅邀請辛子安為他的愛女沈凡姝(何音 飾)建造一座小洋樓。在此過程中,辛子安和美麗善良的沈凡姝相愛了。然而,他們的戀情遭到了家人們的強烈反對,可是,他們堅持了他們的愛情,并且最終獲得了認可,訂了婚?! ∪欢瑑蓚€人的幸福時光并沒有維持多久,就在他們即將攜手步入婚姻殿堂的這個節(jié)骨眼上,一場大火奪走了沈凡姝的一切,不僅家化為了灰燼,沈凡姝的面容也慘遭燒毀,肉體和心靈的創(chuàng)傷讓沈凡姝性情大變,看著和從前判若兩人的戀人,辛子安還能貫徹他們之間愛的諾言嗎?