The story is set on Midsummer’s Eve, when the mysterious military unit takes over a peaceful seaside town. All data networks are disrupted, and the region falls silent. The motives and the origin of the enemy remain shrouded in mystery, with the whole of Europe being taken by surprise and under shock. Local residents turn into hostages, including 21-year-old Annika Berg, who is doing her military service. In seconds, her military exercise turns into a real crisis, involving actual casualties. Is this an isolated incident, or the first step to push the world into a new global conflict?
- 8.0 至高利益[電影解說]
- 7.0 航班蛇患[電影解說]
- 3.0 他人即地獄2024[電影解說]
- 4.0 較量2[電影解說]
1987 電影解說簡介: 封建時代,指腹為婚和從小訂親盛行,如女方早死,男方可以另娶,但要先娶死者為元配,稱為娶木主?! ∶缱迮?- 每逢節(jié)日,苗族少女必盛裝赴會,穿金戴銀,吸引小夥子追求?! 】藜?- 湖南土家族出嫁前四十八日開始哭嫁,社會學(xué)者認(rèn)為這是婦女對夫權(quán)抗拒的一種表現(xiàn)?! ×铝?- 六月六是苗族男女的定情節(jié),少女約了意中人到深山水澗中「相睇」;合意的話,男方給女方一件信物,表示姻緣已定?! ∨罉?- 茶山瑤情人相會,男孩子不能從正門出入,只能利用大木柱爬上樓去,很有情調(diào)。 白褲瑤 - 少女自幼刮光頭,成年才開始留髮,所以頭髮甚短,這裡時興女追男,俗稱「玩表」?! 〈媚?- 佤族人戀愛自由,時興集體追女仔,齊齊唱歌,齊齊跳舞,齊齊睡覺?! ∪夯?- 群婚又稱夥婚,形式、範(fàn)圍沒有規(guī)定,視乎經(jīng)濟(jì)生產(chǎn)需要,片中講述四兄弟合夥娶兩姊妹為妻?! v尼族 - 西雙版納的僾尼少女,健康而美麗,身上的飾物除了金銀玉石外,海陸空產(chǎn)物皆有。
- 10.0 下輩子還做我老爸[電影解說]